Resources for Agents

Having a Team

When you are a real estate agent, you are running your own business. Doing everything yourself can burn you out, and learning everything yourself can leave you mentally exhausted. When you have questions, who can you ask and receive immediate answers from? When you are double booked, are you going to tell your client they have to wait to see a house? If they wait, it could be gone the next day. In a time sensitive matter, will someone else make you and your client a priority in their own business? All of these are reasons to build relationships, surround yourself with reliable and knowledgeable professionals, so you can perform for your clients and scale your business! So, which professions should you be building STRONG relationships with?

Other Real Estate Agents

Connecting with other real estate agents is important for building you business. You improve your reputation in the industry and more agents know you. With that, you can open doors - literally. You may be able to get first access to their new listing. If not, you give your client an immediate advantage over others by having an existing agent relationship in a transaction.

Other Real Estate Agents

This is so important, I have to mention it twice. In addition, you expand your network to who they have relationships with via referrals. For your best agent relationships, you can reach out to them with questions during challenging moments and learn from their experiences. Lastly, they can cover your responsibilities while you are at a training event or seminar.


You must have lenders that you can trust with your clients. When you have a few lenders that you can rely on to take care of your clients, you have additional confidence going into any transaction. And when that listing agent calls your client's lender, you want the lender to make your client into a rockstar - this could be the difference in your client getting the home of their dreams or not.


Having an inspector that is thorough and takes extra time to walk your client through their future home is extremely valuable. Scheduling in anticipation of an accepted offer and receiving inspection reports same day can help you improve your client's offer by reducing the inspection period. It's also important to have relationships with a few inspectors because their capabilities can vary.


Relationships with contractors can be challenging because they are busy and time is money, but worth your efforts. Contractors can provide you with honest feedback and realistic estimated costs, which you can use for negotiation during a transaction. Later on, when your clients want to make improvements to their property, do you want them to call around, or call you?


Appraisers are rare to find in the wild. You also may not work with appraisers directly very often. But, when there is a need to consult with an appraiser, it is typically urgent and critical. So you want to have at least one who will answer your call. Connecting with appraisers can help you better understand their process so you can anticipate what others will say or do in a transaction with your client.

Title Companies

Having relationships with title companies is very similar to having relationships with neighbors. You want your neighbors to watch over the neighborhood and let you know if they see anything odd. With your closest neighbors, you may even trust with a spare key to your home. Have a partnership with a title company who will always keep an eye on your deals and take care of your clients.


In the real estate industry, it isn't a question of "if" you will find yourself legal situations, but "when". Unfortunately, it can happen even when you seemingly do everything right. So, it is important to be familiar with a local real estate attorney that you trust with their consulting. A reputable attorney can become a valuable part of your team by providing guidance to your clients in times of need.

Marketing Tools


One of the most convenient online editing software available. Canva offers a wide variety of templates that you can customize to stay consistent with your brand. It is beginner friendly with a plethora of capabilities across image, video, and print medias. I find this to be one of the best tools to be creative, meanwhile staying professional.

Wouldn't it be cool to receive a piece of mail from someone you just met and had a valuable conversation with? Or to surprise your client with a photo from the moment they closed on their dream home? I thought so to. SendOutCards will enhance your relationships with clients and new connections. Try it out and send a free card!

Creating content for your marketing plan and distributing across the many platforms can be exhausting. Repurpose is an AI tool that helps you automate that process - saving you time that you can spend working ON your business, or with your family. You choose what you would like to spend your extra free time doing!

Serve Your Clients Better

If you are like most buyer agents, you are showing potential buyers multiple houses at a time. Schedules between yourself, your clients, and showing schedules at properties can get very tight and complex. Use this tool to layout your schedule, and SHARE it with your clients so they know what's to expect. That includes start time, finish time, drive time to and time at each property.

Hopefully, when you are helping a seller client, you are receiving multiple offers! In that case, you want to convey each offer to the seller so they understand the similarities and differences. Use this tool to breakdown each offer so your seller can make the best decision for their situation!

Buyers should be prepared for how much cash out-of-pocket they need in order to close on a property. Do your clients a service and help them prepare! Walk your buyer clients through the costs and answer their questions. Buying a house is not cheap. The sooner you get this in front of them, the better.

Likewise with buyers, sellers should have an estimation of how much cash they will walk away with based on an anticipated sale price. Help your sellers understand the fees and costs they should expect. You do not want them to be hit with unexpected expenses, leaving their pockets lighter than they had expected.

For Agents in Business