Our Services for Agents

Join a Team and Expand Your Business

Whether you are a new or experienced agent, joining a team should provide you with value that you cannot find elsewhere. There are many facets of business and angles to take that can help you improve and grow. Below are just a few of the areas where we can help you expand your business:

Deal Coaching

Every deal is unique and it is critical to be strategic and make good decisions throughout each transaction. We help our fellow agents with strategic preparation and execution of tactics that will set yourself apart from the rest of the industry - and most of all, set you apart in the eyes of your clients.

Pooling Resources

As a business owner, we understand that we cannot do everything by ourselves. So, coming together and putting our resources together is a great way to make our lives easier, businesses better, and clients happier. You can't be in the same place at the same time, so we have seen it be helpful to have team members who we can rely on for support and coverage.

Shared Networks

As many say, it is a people business. Not only is it important to talk to people, but WHO YOU KNOW is critical. We share our trustworthy contacts and business connections within our team to help each other overcome obstacles and challenges that come up throughout transactions.

Technical Assistance

Technology is always changing and it is a job in itself to stay on top of the latest updates. It is understandable that a business person does not want to devote their time or effort into learning tech. Our team members are happy to help with the technical side of your business, so you can spend your time with your family or children.

Business Process Development

Behind the scenes, there are many things that need to be completed in order for a transaction to close. Beyond that, if you want to maximize your business potential, you need to be following up with your past clients and generating new leads.  You should have processes in place to help you manage all of the moving parts and stay on your A game.

Marketing Techniques

Marketing is a large part of building your real estate business. Our team comes together to discuss various marketing techniques - old, new, popular, uncommon, etc. We share the technique, but also the "how-to" with the technique, so you can implement it into your business. There are tools that greatly help you execute each technique. So, it is important to know which tools will aid you in your success!

Why Team-Up with Kyle?

No Cuts - Keep Your Commissions!

Working on a team can include cash coming out of your pocket, whether it is through office fees or commission splits. But, the structure with Kyle is set up so you keep what you earn. It would suck to finally get your hard earned commission check, just to see a chunk of it gone towards the team you are on. That sounds like a management company, not a TEAM.

Support System

The team is structured as a resource pool and support system. Every team member has unique experiences that can help another. Every team member has different resources and connections that can be shared with the TEAM to help provide value and promote growth. The more resources and support the team can provide, the stronger the TEAM becomes.

Team Building

The team is here for itself, no one individual or broker. Often times, teams are build by or around a local broker and they reap the majority of the benefits.  The team here is a support system. The members benefit from the knowledge, expertise, creativity, and resources of each other.  If you enjoy helping others and having support when and where it's needed, this may be the TEAM for you.