Our Services for Homeowners

Work with a Professional Agent

By working with a real estate agent, you are opening yourself up to that individual and trusting them to achieve the best outcome for your situation. Real estate is very important and often times there are valuable assets at risk - your property, capital, time, energy, emotion. When you have so much on line, you should work with a professional. When it comes to legal matters, do you want to represent yourself, or have a trained, experienced, professional on your side?

Professional Guidance

Working with a real estate agent should be a professional experience. With that, you should receive professional guidance, tactics, and strategy. By working with a pro, you will be able to leverage their experiences, knowledge, and resources to reach the best outcome possible for your situation. Kyle is committed to providing you with the best services to fit your situation.


Your real estate agent should be organized, bare minimum. They should have notes from when your previous conversations so you don't have to repeat what you already told them. Your agent should remember what is most important to you in your situation. Also, your agent be coordinated with the other parties involved in the transaction and prepare you for each and every next step.


A professional real estate agent should be able to direct you to resources that will help you in your situation. There are many different challenges and obstacles that homeowners face, and their real estate agent is a RESOURCE for them to utilize. Many homeowners fail to exercise this, leaving the relationship with their agent less than its best.

Objective Feedback

Often times, we hold our homes as sacred and sentimental places in our heart. It can be very tough to see our own property in a different light. Other times, we can fall in love with a property so hard, that we forget it comes with a price. A professional agent will help you take a step back and view from another perspective. Ultimately, your agent can play a 3rd party role and give you objective feedback on any property.

Your Emotional Rock

Buying or selling real estate can be an emotion filled process. The stakes are high and it is typically the largest purchase of someone's life. Some times there are bumps along the road and things may not go your way. But, your agent is there to support you and maintain in a grounded state of mind, even when you cannot. You can lean on your agent during these emotional moments and a professional agent will reassure you - everything will be okay.

Market Expertise

The most well-known benefit of working with a real estate agent is the market knowledge that they can provide. Having a pulse on a market comes from being educated and active in the industry. By working with a professional agent, you will have a market expert along side as you move through your real estate journey, whether you are selling a home, buying a home, or both! Knowledge is power, and your agent will empower you to make the best decisions.

Tools for Homeowners

Buying or selling a home can be a long, frustrating, stressful process. Or, it can be relatively quick and exciting. It always helps to have well set expectations. Whether you are a buyer or seller, check out the timelines so you have a better understanding of the process.  This will help you manage your emotions and enjoy the journey!

As a buyer, you should be prepared for how much cash out-of-pocket you need in order to close on a property. Buying a house is not cheap, and you should understand all of the costs associated with the process. This tool will help you set expectations and avoid unexpected costs from arising!

Likewise with buyers, as a seller, you should have an estimation of how much cash you will walk away with based on an anticipated sale price. Sellers should be aware of the fees and costs, which some vary based on how much the property sells for. Use this tool to understand the expenses associated with selling!